NIETZSCHE IN ITALIEN. text - image - signature |
- crossover of art and philosophy - artistbook |
A series of 30 objects Each case of etched and brushed aluminum (12x9x6") contains in distanced sequence 3 acrylic-glas-sheets carrying heat-tranfers of text - image - signature The first sheet gives to read a passage of Nietzsche's work temporally assigned to the visit of a place in Italy the photograph on the second sheet is referring to, while from behind on the third sheet one of Nietzsche's signatures, either as wandering name or place, shows through. |
#9 Morgenröte - Genua - Nietzsche | |
The spatial mise en scene of 3 translucent inscriptions in a moreover reflecting silvery case by attracting attention to its mediality constantly distracts the eye of the beholder aiming at distinctive reading of the single sheets instead of giving over to the never ending intertwining of text - image - signature. | |
#10 Fröhliche Wissenschaft - Genua - Prinz Friedrich | |
Depending on standpoint and focus by each blink of the eye the graphic traces of text - image - signature differentially referring to each other are set in motion again and again ... | |
#22 Fröhliche Wissenschaft-Riviera-F.N. | |
This deconstructive disposition does not aim at a meaning but follows the flow of writing in its shifting, delaying, supplementing play happening in the triple dispositif. Incessantly each sign refers to others, continually displacing its identy; in an endless process of delay the sign never arrives in a meaning. | |
#27 Der Antichrist - Turin - Antichrist | |
The series of 30 objects continued in an artistbook Hugh J. Silverman is reading and reflecting the art pieces - NIETZSCHE'S ITALICS: Chiasmatic Inscriptions - Between the Sheets translated by m.t.litschauer's - NIETZSCHES CORS(IV)O: Chiasmatische Inschriften/Einschreibungen - Zwischen den Tafeln > order |
#29 Dionysos-Dithyramben - Turin - Dionysos |